When you run code in the editor below, it is not running directly in your web browser's Javascript as you might expect, it is running in a standalone VM (and that VM is running in JS). Because of that, this script has no access to anything like document, window or alert(), and you can step though the code statement by statement in debug mode.
When you compile your program the bytecode-style instructions will appear here.
Instructions that have * before them are 'checkpoints' for the step through debugger. They aren't fully implemented yet so might appear weird or inconsistent if you check too closely
You'll also notice that we do some wasteful operations. We don't optimise the output at all right now, but we might do some simple optimisations one day.
When you run your program, the final value of any global variables generated by your program will be shown here.
Note that SmolScript is not 100% the same as Javascript with globals. Smol only supports var (not let), but var actually behaves like let unless its in the top-most scope.